The Blessings That Come From Faithful Tithing One Family's Miracle Story

It's 1:24 am, I woke up in the middle of the night and for a woman that is in relationship with the Lord I know that means it's time to have a talk. He is calling me to the actual only alone time he can get with me. It's been heavy on my heart as Matt has began to post videos speaking about "Bringing The Tithe" to share how the Lord has changed me through learning to tithe properly. So I will give a testimony of how my Father is faithful and never failing and no matter what I can always rely on his promises. Last summer my marriage was ending. Me and Matt were so fed up with our marriage and our circumstances we just saw no other way to turn things around. When we separated and he moved away I made a promise to myself no matter what turmoil I was about to face I was going to be a woman after God's heart and I was going to tithe on every penny that came in no matter what. I knew my Faithful Father would see me through. So I stuck to my promise. I work for the county board of education and yes I am blessed to be a salary employee but I'm not living large. Literally I didn't make enough to survive, but I never went without and I started receiving money I had no idea was coming, literally out of nowhere. So I Tithed like I promised. I remember one day pumping gas hoping just maybe I would have enough money to fill up my vehicle. I swiped at the pump and I thought I only had $30. Well the pump got to $30 and kept going, I was so puzzled. My tank got filled completely up and the pump stopped at $55. This couldn't be right. I just so happened to have checked my account and $700 was deposited into my account from something completely unexpected. Y'all I had $30 to my name. I sat in that parking lot for a few minutes and squalled and thanking God. As time rocked on whenever I paid my tithe, I would also pray for my marriage. I did that all the time regularly anyway. I was keeping my promise and I knew the Lord would keep his. Let's be honest the enemy was out to destroy my family. But in Malachi Ch. 3 it says that The Lord, my faithful father will rebuke the devour of the enemy for My namesake. So time rocked on, me and my husband actually signed divorce papers, but I was still holding on, I was still praying. One Saturday Matt called and asked if I wanted to go to church with him Sunday of course I didn't say no, then he asked could he come over and spend time with me. My heart was so happy. I saw prayers being answered. That night we made our minds up we were going to a church in Gadsden we enjoyed but we woke up and it was raining and ugly outside. Matt made the statement that he just wanted to go to a church where he could hear The Word preached. He just needed to hear the True Word spoken from a True Man of God. So my daughter suggested a church and we just went. We really enjoyed it and I could see things starting to shift. So Matt and I decide we don't know how but we are going to try to work our mess out. Remember this whole time my household did not lack for one thing, I was keeping my promise. So we keep going to this church and it was a Wednesday night after service and I remember Matt and myself walking up to this old bald headed preacher that we were growing to love and we asked for prayer because we were broken we didn't know how to fix it all. We were literally a complete mess. Our wonderful Pastor Jacky out of his heart prayed over us and looked me straight in my eyes and told me to go withdraw our divorce papers. Divorces are usually finalized within 30 days. We were rocking on 35 days. But I believed what my Pastor told me to do was from the Lord, my Faithful Father. I was at the courthouse at 8:30 the next morning, ran to the clerk's office and asked her if my divorce had been processed, she looked at me and told me that if I had been 1 hour later it would have been. I withdrew my divorce in tears because God had heard my prayers. So Matt and I were still a mess but we made a promise that we would make Eden Westside Baptist Church our home. Eden Westside Baptist Church felt like home, it's where we were and are supposed to be and that old bald headed Pastor took us under his wing, not just Matt and me but our whole family. He took time to see how he could help us mend our marriage back together. He held us accountable and put us in a church that completely changed our lives forever. Matt and I started tithing together and praying together and let God take over. We did as we were told to do by God fearing, God loving, God driven people that LOVED us and still do. God worked a miracle. My Father is faithful and he loves me and gives me the desires of my heart. The desire of my heart was for my family to be whole and happy and thriving. It was not easy, at times it seemed impossible. That's when my Father completely takes over he makes what seems impossible to me, Possible. I see my husband happy and thriving. I see my daughter on the youth worship team and chasing after God's heart, I see my 2 little girls learning about how great our Father is and they are happy and giggling. To say that I am in Awe of my Father is an understatement. I could keep going about the blessings that keep coming. Please TITHE. It is the very best thing you will ever do. And Pray over your tithe. Your Heavenly Father wants to have a relationship with you. Pray regardless, no matter what. Get up at 1 am when the whole house is asleep and just spend time in the presence of the Lord and let him give you peace, give him a chance to just love on you and wreck you. It's okay to be completely wrecked by God.