Scotty Pinson
Mission's Pastor
Missions are a way of life at Eden Westside Baptist Church. Our mission is to guide members to an understanding of the Biblical Mandate on Missions, found in Acts 1:8, that we are to share Jesus Christ with others, both locally and internationally. We are to educate the church members about Southern Baptist Mission work, including the history, present work and the future direction of the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board. We are to lead members on mission trips, both locally and internationally. We are to encourage participation and pray for all missions' activities anywhere and in which the church participates. Finally, we are to be partners with God as we claim Habakkuk 1:5 as our vision for missions, "Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed! For I am going to do something in your days that you would not have believed even if I had told you."
Missions are at the core of what we do and embedded into our culture with all ages. Adults, teens, children and preschoolers are all taught about missions and involved in age-specific mission projects.
International Missions
Eden Westside has partnered with the country of Haiti and plans several mission trips each year to share the gospel and minister to the Haitian people. Our Pastor leads crusades where thousands of people hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are led to a personal relationship with Him. If you have an interest in these International mission efforts, please contact Bro. Scotty Pinson.
National Missions
Our church participates in national mission trips to minister in less fortunate areas of the country. We also ask our church members to give to the Annie Armstrong Easter offering which helps fund all of our National Missionaries who are sent out from the North American Mission Board (NAMB).
Local Missions
"Step Up" has started back and is just one of our local missions. This is a program for our local Eden Elementary School. We are blessed to be able to partner with the school and be able to share the love of God with the students and the teachers at the school. Our Children's Minister, Brother Warren, heads up a team every other Tuesday to go to the school to perform funny skits and presentations to encourge the children to come to Church and come to know the love of God. If you love working with children this may be the perfect opportunity for you to serve.
Campus Missions
We have a very large campus missions plan with two campus and over 89 acres of land and facilities. Our Maintenance Team of volunteers work hard all year. God has blessed us with a BEAUTIFUL church at both of our campuses and a lot of play room here at the Pell City campus, but He also wants us to take care of what He has given us. Several men and women come every week and serve here at the church. We have groups that weed eat, some that paint, some that clean, some that go to our River Campus and cut grass or clean, some that work hard keeping our creek property looking good, and some that do a little bit of everything. If you have a talent and interest to work on our Maintenance Missions Team, please contact Bro. Scotty Pinson.
Breakfast for the Brave
With our Breakfast for the Brave Ministry, our Missions Department hosts all firemen, sheriff, and policemen from the city for a wonderful breakfast each month. If you are a first responder, we invite you to join us. The Eden Campus serves on the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 am and the Leeds River Campus serves on the third Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. If you are a first responder, we invite you to join us If you would like to volunteer with this ministry, please contact Bro. Scotty.
Missions Education
We hold classes through our Disciple U small groups training hour on Sunday nights at our Pell City Campus between 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. We have a group who are studying our missions focus. Please visit our Groups page to find a small group that meets your needs.
Student Department
Our Junior High through College students have various missions projects and trips throughout the year. Our Student Pastor is very excited about the plans God has for our students this upcoming year.
For more information about Eden Westside Baptist Church missions opportunities, please contact Bro. Scotty Pinson at 205.338.7711.
Weekly Calendar and Worship Service Times
Sunday Mornings
LIFE Discovery Small Groups (All Ages)
9:35 AM (Both Campuses)
8:10 AM (Eden Campus)
11:00 AM (Both Campuses)
Sunday Evenings
Eden Campus Only
Discipleship U Small Groups: (All Ages)
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Wednesday Evenings
Both Campuses
Adult Bible Study, Preschool,
Children & Youth Activities:
6:30 PM
Eden Campus
223 Wolf Creek Road North
Pell City, Alabama 35125
Leeds River Campus
1441 W. Riverview Road
Trussville, Alabama 35173
11:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship Service at Our Eden Campus is Now Interpreted for the Deaf
Eden Westside Baptist Church is a place to heal, help and call home. We are an exciting church with two campuses where you will definitely feel God's presence and love. We invite you to join us this Sunday.