Eden Westside Adults
Women's Ministry

Eden Westside Baptist Church Women of God Women's Ministry is designed to support ladies of all ages to minister to you and equip you for ministry to others. Along with small group opportunities both Sunday morning and Sunday evening, we also hold periodic women's ministry events and a monthly Ladies Night Out at our Eden Campus Fellowship Hall. We encourage you to to check our website often to keep up with what's happening with EWBC Women of God!
Men's Ministry

Men are to be the spiritual leaders of the home and Eden Westside Baptist Church is ready to provide Christian mentoring to help you be the man that God intended you to be. We hold periodic recreational events just for guys as well as spiritual events and retreats to help you meditate on God's Word and allow Him to speak to you. Check our website for Men's Night Out dates. We meet throughtout the year on the third Thursday night at 6:31 pm. Also check our Sunday morning and Sunday evening small groups. God is in the life changing business and we encourage you to get plugged in!
Senior Adults

Lamplighters is an exciting and important part of the ministry here at Eden Westside. If you are an adult age 55 and older we would love for you to meet with us on the second Thursday of each month at 10:30am. It's a great time to get together with friends and enjoy FUN, FELLOWSHIP, and FOOD! Additionally, we take field trips to places of interest around Alabama. Senior Adults have so much to offer as spiritual leaders and mentors to others. We invite you to become a part of this exciting ministry!
Special Friends

Our Special Friends Ministry is a very unique ministry that was designed to allow mentally and physically challenged people to participate in worship. We have some of our most dedicated members that participate in this ministry, and they truly exhibit Christ’s love through their servanthood.
We invite you to join us if you are a Special Friend or feel led to work with our Special Friends Ministry! Contact Rachel Creswell at the church for more information.
Weekly Calendar and Worship Service Times
Sunday Mornings
LIFE Discovery Small Groups (All Ages)
9:35 AM (Both Campuses)
8:10 AM (Eden Campus)
11:00 AM (Both Campuses)
Sunday Evenings
Eden Campus Only
Discipleship U Small Groups: (All Ages)
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Wednesday Evenings
Both Campuses
Adult Bible Study, Preschool,
Children & Youth Activities:
6:30 PM
Eden Campus
223 Wolf Creek Road North
Pell City, Alabama 35125
Leeds River Campus
1441 W. Riverview Road
Trussville, Alabama 35173
11:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship Service at Our Eden Campus is Now Interpreted for the Deaf
Eden Westside Baptist Church is a place to heal, help and call home. We are an exciting church with two campuses where you will definitely feel God's presence and love. We invite you to join us this Sunday.