Message: “The Greatness Of God’s Grace” from Pastor: Jacky Connell
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ClosePastor: Jacky Connell - September 22, 2019
Prison Break - Breaking Free Of Generational Strongholds - Defining The Curse
Sunday Morning Service 09/22/2019
Scripture References: Exodus 20:1-5
More Messages from Pastor: Jacky Connell
From Series: "Prison Break"
Are you ready to learn what generational strongholds are, where they come from, and, most importantly, how to step into deliverance for yourself, your children, and your grandchildren? Prison Break is about hope and deliverance that can change YOUR entire family tree—severing the generational bondage that leads to addiction, anger and abuse, poverty, fear, arrogance, and so much more. It’s easy to see generational curses in families who are plagued with obvious problems like addiction, but it’s much harder to recognize generational tendencies when it comes to less straightforward issues, such as poverty, arrogance, insecurity, anger, pride, selfishness, laziness, foolishness, and so on. We can inherit these curses genetically or learn them from our environment and solidify them in our own lives when we live out those same patterns. We then pass the issues on to the next generation in the same ways. Even when we are able to recognize these patterns, it may feel impossible to break them—but it’s not. Bro Jacky has served as the senior pastor of Eden Westside Baptist Church for over 32 years. He has seen many people struggle with strongholds in their lives and has helped them deal with this problem. In addition to completing his third book, Prison Break, that is already changing lives, Bro. Jacky is leading a six-week series on Sunday mornings with the same name, Prison Break. He will be teaching about Generational Blessings on Sunday evenings. Don’t miss this vital information that could have a significant impact on your life and family. Eden Westside Baptist Church is one church with two locations, Pell City and Leeds. For more information about the church and service times, please visit If you would like to order your copy of the new book, Prison Break, visit and begin learning how to break the generational strongholds in your life!
More Messages from Pastor: Jacky Connell...

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September 22, 2019
Prison Break - Breaking Free Of Generational Strongholds - Defining The Curse
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Exodus 20:1-5

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Exodus 20:1-5, 2 Corinthians 10:4

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Prison Break - Breaking Free Of Generational Strongholds - Breaking Down Your Defense In Order To Erect A Stronghold
Pastor: Jacky Connell
Ephesians 6:10-18, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 2 Corinthians 2:11, 1 Peter 5:8