We are excited that you plan to visit Eden Westside Baptist Church! We hope the following information will make your first visit with us an enjoyable one. Visitors are honored guests. We have a place just for you no matter your background or life circumstances and stand ready to wrap our love around you. In no time, you are sure to feel right at home!
What to Wear?
We certainly don't have a dress code, but we thought you might like to know what to expect when you arrive. Those who attend our Sunday evening services are very relaxed and casually dressed. Members and visitors to our church who attend Sunday morning services wear everything from causal to business casual to a suit and tie or dress. Nevertheless, come just as you are. We are honored to have you as our guest.
Getting Around
Once you arrive, please feel free to park in our special visitor parking spaces, located at the top of the side parking lot at our Eden Campus or near the front entrance at the River Campus. You will be greeted in the parking lot as you make your way inside. Greeters will be readily available to help you or you and your family get settled for an exciting morning. During the Worship Services, you will be given an opportunity to complete a visitor's registration card. Please complete this card and place it in the offering plate as it is passed later in the service. Your personal information is kept confidential. We do not sell or distribute the personal information of our visitors or church members; however, the church may use this information to express our thanks for your visit and to express our love to you as a Christian community. On the reverse side of the card, you will find services offered by our church. We thank you in advance for the opportunity to greet you and to make you feel right at home.
Members Information Class (MIC)
Classes are offered the second Sunday of every month at 11AM at our Eden Campus to help familiarize you with our church and our beliefs.
Weekly Calendar and Worship Service Times
Sunday Mornings
LIFE Discovery Small Groups (All Ages)
9:35 AM (Both Campuses)
8:10 AM (Eden Campus)
11:00 AM (Both Campuses)
Sunday Evenings
Eden Campus Only
Discipleship U Small Groups: (All Ages)
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Wednesday Evenings
Both Campuses
Adult Bible Study, Preschool,
Children & Youth Activities:
6:30 PM
Eden Campus
223 Wolf Creek Road North
Pell City, Alabama 35125
Leeds River Campus
1441 W. Riverview Road
Trussville, Alabama 35173
11:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship Service at Our Eden Campus is Now Interpreted for the Deaf
Eden Westside Baptist Church is a place to heal, help and call home. We are an exciting church with two campuses where you will definitely feel God's presence and love. We invite you to join us this Sunday.