How to Become a Christian
If you would like to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we invite you to view this video and follow the steps to a new life in Christ.
Once you have prayed and asked Jesus to come into your heart and be Lord of Your Life, the next step is to make that decision public and follow Him in believer's baptism.
We would love to have to the opportunity to celebrate with you on your decision and invite you to contact us at 205.338.7711. God bless!
Weekly Calendar and Worship Service Times
Sunday Mornings
LIFE Discovery Small Groups (All Ages)
9:35 AM (Both Campuses)
8:10 AM (Eden Campus)
11:00 AM (Both Campuses)
Sunday Evenings
Eden Campus Only
Discipleship U Small Groups: (All Ages)
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Wednesday Evenings
Both Campuses
Adult Bible Study, Preschool,
Children & Youth Activities:
6:30 PM
Eden Campus
223 Wolf Creek Road North
Pell City, Alabama 35125
Leeds River Campus
1441 W. Riverview Road
Trussville, Alabama 35173
11:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship Service at Our Eden Campus is Now Interpreted for the Deaf
Eden Westside Baptist Church is a place to heal, help and call home. We are an exciting church with two campuses where you will definitely feel God's presence and love. We invite you to join us this Sunday.