God Is Telling Us “I Am” Everything You Need Reflections on The Great "I AM'
I’ve been a teacher for fourteen years, but even before my teaching career began, I loved grammar and figurative language. So when a passage of scripture or a sermon series focuses on metaphors, I get a little excited! Over the last few weeks, Brother Jacky has been preaching a series called “I Am”. This sermon series was inspired by Moses’ encounter with the burning bush in Exodus 3. The Lord appeared to Moses through this burning bush and shared his promise that he is the Great I Am. Brother Jacky broke down God’s promise as:
- “I Am” The Way, The Truth, The Life
- “I Am” the Light of the World
- “I Am” the True Vine
- “I Am” the Bread of LIfe
- “I Am” the Good Shepherd
- “I Am” the Door
- “I Am” the Resurrection and the Life
Over the last few weeks, the “True Vine” metaphor just keeps popping up around me. The DU class I’m in this quarter is a Beth Moore study called Chasing Vines. The very first session corresponded with the sermon on “I Am” the True Vine. Genesis 1 describes God as a gardener when he planted a garden in Eden. In the book, Beth Moore writes “We’re more likely to think of God as Creator or King, but a gardener is someone who tends. One who sees. One who plans - and plants.”
I’ve never had a green thumb, but during a recent run to the store I made an impulse purchase of some wildflowers. I thought that since I have plenty of time to spare right now, I should try this flower planting thing again. Other than reading the instructions on the back of the box and making sure I bought “full shade” seeds, there was no planning. I have two planters by my front door. I planted seeds in one and my seven-year-old handled the other. A week later, his seeds have sprouted and are filling up the planter. Mine, on the other hand are quite sparse. A few have sprouted, but he is clearly more successful. I am so thankful that my Creator took the time to plan his garden. He had a plan and a purpose. I planted my seeds assuming they probably wouldn’t become much of anything and left them in the “full shade” to do their thing. Unlike me, God had a plan. He planted and he tended his garden. He’s still tending his garden. God has a purpose for us. He intended for us to be here on this earth at this exact moment in time. He knew before the earth was even created, that you and I would be a part of this historic pandemic. With as crazy and as upside down as the world seems right now, God is telling us “I Am” everything you need.